Every Property Owner and Community Association needs BOLD coverage. The exposure has always been there, but never before has a solution been available. Exclusions, Denials, and Reservation of Rights letters have become standard practice by insurance Companies. Why risk your future and that of you members, tenants, and associates with unknown legal expense, or the possibility of a default judgement when BOLD Supplemental is now available at a minimal cost?
BOLD offers a complete Legal Defense Policy designed to provide ultimate protection without any sacrifice to your operation. There is no better way to insure your overall financial security than adding BOLD supplemental coverage to complete your insurance program.
Think of the process of receiving a complaint or lawsuit and sending it off to your insurance agent. The next 24 hours can be mindful of a lottery. Will my insurance respond and cover me, or will i be left in the cold? BOLD will relieve you of this anxiety.
Your BOLD supplemental policy will provide an Unlimited legal defense with No deductible. Continuous coverage provided by a top-notch insurance defense team. We will never settle without your explicit approval.
BOLD is the ultimate protection. Every property owner and manager, every association and Board of Directors will want this sense of well-being. You no longer have to live with the uncertainty. Ask your insurance agent for a quote.
Every property owner and community association needs this coverage.